School of the Prophets
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A Mountain Movers' Ministry

Welcome to the website!
What we believe: 
  1. Race does matter.  The historically-accurate depiction of the children of Israel is black.
  2. What's in a name?  If there is power in the name of God, then we ought to call him by His name, Yahweh.
  3. Are you Christian?  Yes, to the extent that we believe the person who is commonly known as "Jesus Christ" is the Messiah.  However, we believe the name "Jesus Christ" is Latin for the Hebrew name of Yahshua, the Messiah.  Every father likes to name his son after him, so we refer to the Son of God after God's name in Hebrew.
  4. Is this for blacks only?  No.  We believe that God so loved the world and that the Messiah is the light of the Gentiles.  The Gentiles in this world include white people.

The School of the Prophets will meet biweekly to discuss various spiritual topics.  The next class will take place on Saturday, July 31, 2004 at 8-9 p.m. Eastern Time.  The class will take place in a professional audio/visual chatroom.  To enter the chatroom, visit, register for free, and download the software for unlimited free trials.  Our chatroom will be located in the lobby for the Spiritual Community
It is recommended you download approximately 15 minutes early and familiarize yourself with the software and chatrooms.
The next class will discuss "The Temple".  After the class, the Powerpoint presentation, in PDF format, will be available in the Archives.  

What's wrong with these pictures?


Do you see THREE flat tires on the same car?

THREE tires blew out simultaneously while traveling at 60 mph on a freeway in Detroit, Michigan, USA.  We spun towards a bridge, scraping the railing, but we never flipped over.  No one was hurt.
When some dare to question the existence of any God, I know that somebody bigger than you and I protects my family and me.  I took pictures of my testimony!